​Reflections from EduTECH 2024: Key Takeaways from Our Panel ‘Don’t Forget Me: Edu-Tech for Every Learner’

​Reflections from EduTECH 2024: Key Takeaways from Our Panel ‘Don’t Forget Me: Edu-Tech for Every Learner’

15 August 2024 14:09

EduTECH 2024 was a tremendous success, and Aspire Learning Resources was proud to play a role as a Silver Sponsor. Our panel session, 'Don't forget me: Edu-tech for every learner,' brought together some of the brightest minds in the industry to discuss how we can ensure that digital education is truly inclusive and accessible for all learners.

During the session, we were fortunate to hear from Travis Smith, Education Industry Lead at Microsoft, and Elise Petty, Executive Manager of Education and Regional Stakeholder Relations at NBN. Their insights provided invaluable perspectives on how technology is shaping the future of education and the practical steps we can take to bridge existing gaps.

Personalising Learning with Small Language Models

One of the standout discussions was around the use of small language models to personalise learning experiences. Travis Smith shared how these models are making it possible to tailor educational content to each student's unique needs, regardless of their reading levels.

This approach is helping to close the literacy gap by making learning materials more accessible and engaging for all students. By adjusting the complexity of text and offering real-time support, small language models are not only enhancing comprehension but also boosting students' confidence in their abilities. The potential to improve literacy rates through these personalised interventions is truly exciting, and it’s a clear example of how technology can be harnessed to empower learners at every level.

Bridging the Connectivity Divide

Elise Petty from NBN provided critical insights into the role of connectivity in education. While having access to digital devices is essential, Elise emphasised that reliable internet connectivity is just as crucial—especially in rural and remote areas. NBN's work goes beyond just providing infrastructure; they are committed to enhancing digital literacy and ensuring that all Australians understand how to effectively use and benefit from the internet.

Elise highlighted how NBN is working to bridge the digital divide by educating communities about connectivity and supporting them in overcoming challenges related to limited internet access. For rural educators and students, this support is transformative, enabling them to fully engage with digital learning platforms and resources. The message was clear: without robust connectivity, even the most advanced educational technologies can't reach their full potential.

Key Takeaways: Building a Future-Ready Workforce

Our panel session reinforced the importance of a holistic approach to digital education—one that considers both the tools we use and the infrastructure that supports them. The combination of personalised learning technologies, like Microsoft’s small language models, and reliable, widespread internet access, as championed by NBN, is key to building a more future-ready workforce.

At Aspire Learning Resources, we’re inspired by the discussions at EduTECH 2024 and are more committed than ever to ensuring that no learner is left behind. By collaborating with industry leaders and staying at the forefront of educational technology, we are helping to create a learning environment where every student can thrive, regardless of their background or circumstances.

Thank you to everyone who joined us for this insightful session. We look forward to continuing to explore new avenues that shape the future of education—one that is prepared for the challenges of tomorrow.

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