​Aspire Insights: May 2024 Monthly Wrap Up

​Aspire Insights: May 2024 Monthly Wrap Up

31 May 2024 11:21

Welcome to the inaugural monthly edition of Aspire Insights. Each month, our team will wrap up the key developments in the Vocational Education & Training (VET) sector as well as provide insights into our team’s activities to help support the VET sector transition through VET reform.

May has been a tremendously busy month over here at Aspire, as well as the VET sector more broadly. We’ve been involved in a number of national initiatives, and we’re excited to continue championing skills development in an increasingly dynamic and digital educational space.

The announcement of the Federal Budget saw critical investments in the VET sector, allocating much needed funding to close the national skills gap and train the workforce we need right now to power Australia’s economy into the future.

Our team flew up to Sydney to attend this year’s TDA Convention 2024: a coming together of the nation’s best and brightest in the TAFE sector to elevate the status of VET. With VET reform underway, this was a critical juncture point to ensure the tripartite agreement between government, TAFE and industry work together to build a tangible roadmap to overhaul the current cumbersome qualifications system so we can skill people at speed in line with industry demands.

As a not-for-profit organisation, our Aspire Foundation was proud to announce a new round of grant opportunities for fellow NFPs within our building at Ross House Association (RHA). We believe everybody deserves access to opportunities to better their lives, and we look forward to working with our grant winners to bolster learning pathways for traditionally marginalised learners.

And recently, our team partnered with Hacia Atherton and her team at Empowered Women in Trades (EWIT) to develop a framework to drive systemic change and create support structures for women to thrive in traditionally male dominated trades. We were privileged to meet with the Honourable Brendan O’Connor, Minister for Skills and Training, to discuss how we can work together to support the Federal Government’s Building Women’s Careers program.

We know the work doesn’t stop now. With the opportunities VET reform presents, we look forward to collaborating with TAFEs, the government, and the Jobs and Skills Councils (JSCs), Human Ability and Future Skills Organisation (FSO), to help support the shift to a new qualifications system that builds real, portable and transferable skills that address the workforce demands of Australia over the next decade.


Proudly serving as Gold Sponsors of the TAFE Directors Australia Convention 2024, we were privileged to participate in groundbreaking moments and connect with leaders across industries. It was a fantastic event - a milestone which reinforces our commitment to fostering collaboration and driving meaningful impact on a national scale. And rest assured, our dedication remains steadfast as we continue this journey together.

Federal Budget

The 2024-25 Australian Federal Budget introduces substantial investments to boost student support and workforce readiness across critical sectors, aiming to foster a resilient and adaptable economy. Aspire recognises the pivotal role vocational education plays in enhancing lives and welcomes strategic investments to elevate its status and promote vocational pathways.

Aspire was privileged to attend the Skills & Training Post Budget Information Session administered by Anna Faithfull, Deputy Secretary, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR). This session acknowledged The Hon. Brendan O'Connor's address as well as key measures relevant to TAFE and the Vocational Education and Training (VET) sector more broadly. Key highlights include:

  • $30 billion in VET sector investment over five years to support the National Skills Agreement
  • $265 million over four years dedicated to apprenticeship commencement incentives
  • $91 million over five years for skilling the clean energy workforce
  • $55.6 million over four years for building women’s careers in traditionally male industries

These initiatives underscore a dedication to nurturing a skilled, adaptable workforce essential for economic resilience. Aspire is poised to champion these efforts, ensuring access to quality education and training.


Aspire Learning Resources are thrilled to announce that we're silver sponsors for this year's EduTECH Australia Conference on 13-14 August 2024! EduTECH is one of the largest education events in Australia and the APAC region, attended by between 10,000 – 15,000 people annually.

Their goal is to work together to elevate and lead education in Australasia by improving teaching methods and learning outcomes across all subjects. The conference demonstrates how new technologies, such as robotics, VR, AR, drones, 3D printing, data analysis and AI, can be integrated into mainstream learning. Additionally, EduTECH focuses on enhancing STEM education and offering equal opportunities for regional schools to attend EduTECH by providing discounted tickets and fostering a national culture of lifelong learning.

Join us at this event for a unique opportunity to explore cutting-edge edtech, connect with industry leaders and gain insights to transform education to develop skills that will power Australia's economy into the future.

Building Women’s Careers

Aspire Learning Resources is proud to support the Building Women’s Careers Program initiative. Our recent discussions with Hacia Atherton, CPA, MAPP from Empowered Women In Trades (EWIT) Group and the Honourable Minister Brendan O'Connor highlighted the importance of empowering women in traditionally male-dominated industries.

With the Australian Government investing $55.6 million over four years into this program, we're thrilled to play a part in driving structural and cultural change. Through our tailored learning frameworks, we aim to equip women with the skills needed for success in industries like construction, clean energy, technology, and manufacturing.

Aspire Foundation Grant

In 2023, Aspire Learning Resources, custodians of The Aspire Foundation, commenced tenancy within the building at Ross House Association. Since joining this vibrant community, we have discovered many wonderful and critical not-for-profit organisations and initiatives within our building. It was an important decision to extend an Aspire Foundation Grant opportunity to our residents and friends within Ross House. Congratulations to the beneficiaries: Brain Injury Matters, Disabled Wintersport Australia and Ross House Association.

Ross House Associations Tenant Info Sharing Day

Aspire attended Ross House Association's Tenant Info Sharing Day led by Lotus Group Inc., a self-help collective for individuals with neurological impairments. Sponsored by the City of Melbourne, this community event showcased impactful community advocacy groups from within our building who shared their initiatives and histories.

Presenters and attendees included: Housing for the Aged Action Group (HAAG), Brain Injury Matters (BIM), Star Victoria Inc., ABC Friends Victoria, Disability Resources Centre and Positive Powerful Parents. Raising awareness of these groups, each with a powerful message to share, aligns with both Aspire and the Aspire Foundation’s mission and values to positively impact our community. We are proud to support initiatives like these through our Foundation and be a part of such a vibrant community for good within Ross House.

Diving into diverse opportunities

We are continuing to forge ahead, breaking stereotypes and embracing diverse opportunities in product development from nursing, climate change, automotive, mental health and more. Our dynamic collaboration with experts across various fields underscores the depth of talent and intelligence in our country, and we couldn't feel more inspired to continue working hard in these spaces. Stay tuned for updates as we push boundaries and make a positive impact every step of the way.

Thank You

Thank you for joining us in the first edition of Aspire Insights. We're grateful for your continued support as we strive to make a positive impact in our communities. Stay connected for more inspiring updates by following us on social media and visiting our website. Wishing you all a successful and fulfilling month ahead!

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